The micro-organism, associated with spoilage of tomatoes shows that tomato contain large amount of water which makes them more susceptible to spoilage by the action of various micro-organism. Out of the (3) three sources of samples used in the assessment revealed that Bacillus species identified in the spoiled sample are the major causes of canned spoilage while the fungi isolates are peniucillum species etc which revealed by the assessment are also the cause of tomato spoilage. In this assessment carried out, it was found out that bacterial species were the source of spoilage rather than bacteria because it dominated all the plates.
This study investigated the factors militating against the management of school record by Secondary School Prin...
This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of teacher-student ratio on student’s...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Hate speech, which includes speech, writin...
Attendance is very important in every student. a single absent make a big difference in performance in the scho...
The aim of this study is to examine Land Tenure system in Nigeria using Ikeduru L.G.A Area, Ow...
Background of the Study
Consumer buying behavior in online retailing has evolved significantly with the growth of e-comm...
Background of the Study
Cross-border collaborations have become increasingly important in the globalized financial landsca...
Background of the Study
Ethnicity has long played a critical role in shaping electoral behavior and pol...
In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my backgro...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study